1. What is necessary for photo-synthesis?
A.   Oxygen, CO2, sunlight
B.   Chlorophyll, oxygen, carbohydrates
C.   CO2, sunlight, carbohydrates, water
D.   Water, CO2, Chlorophyll, sunlight

2. Bagasse,a by-product of sugar manufacturing industry, is used for the production of:
A.   Alcohol
B.   Glass
C.   Paper
D.   Confectioneries

3. When water boils, its temperature:
A.   Begins to decrease
B.   Begins to increase
C.   Remains constant
D.   Fluctuates around a value

4. Photosynthesis involves:
A.   Oxidation of H20 and releases O2
B.   Reduction of CO2, oxidation of H20 and releases O2
C.   Reduction of CO2 and oxidation of water
D.   None of these

5. X-rays and Y-rays are able to destroy the living tissues by process of:
A.   Scattering
B.   Lonisation
C.   Oxidation
D.   Electrolysis

6. The antibiotic penicillin is obtained from:
A.   Plants
B.   Fungus
C.   Bacteria
D.   Sea weeds

7. Which of the following has been found useful in keeping the cholesterol level down?
A.   Serpentine
B.   Garlic
C.   Tulsi
D.   Turmeric

8. Which of the following scales was devised by Celsius?
A.   Centigrade
B.   Fahren heit
C.   Romer
D.   Absolute

9. Light energy is converted into chemical energy by:
A.   Respiration
B.   Transpiration
C.   Photosynthesis
D.   Electrolysis

10. Which of the following is used as a food preservative?
A.   Sodium perborate
B.   Sodium benzoate
C.   Citric acid
D.   None of these

11. Mother’s milk is preferred to cow’s milk because it contains:
A.   Less lipids and more fats
B.   Less fats and less lipids
C.   More fats and more lipids
D.   More lipids and less fats

12. Liquefied petroleum gas consists of mainly:
A.   Ethane, hexane, and nonane
B.   Methane, butane, and propane
C.   Methane, ethane, and hexane
D.   None of these

13. Non-stick kitchenware is coated with:
A.   Teflon
B.   Silicon
C.   Graphite
D.   Glass

14. Which of the following statement is not correct?
A.   All metals are good electrical conductors
B.   All stainless steels are non-magnetic
C.   All steels are magnetic
D.   All plastics are good insulators of heat

15. The filament of an electric bulb is made of:
A.   Iron
B.   Nichrome
C.   Tungsten
D.   Carbon

16. Which of the following elements is found common in glass, cement, china clay and quartz?
A.   Calcium
B.   Silicon
C.   Carbon
D.   Aluminium

17. When milk is churned, the cream separates form it due to the:
A.   Gravitational force
B.   Frictional force
C.   Cohesive force
D.   Centrifugal force

18. The safety fuse should have:
A.   Low resistance and low melting point
B.   High resistance and high melting point
C.   Low resistance and high melting point
D.   High resistance and low melting point

19. Which of the following changes is a physical change?
A.   Conversion of milk into ice cream
B.   Conversion of milk into curd
C.   Conversion of sugarcane juice into alcohol
D.   Conversion of alcohol into vinegar

20. The raw material used for the manufacture of Glass and Cement is:
A.   Limestone
B.   Washing soda
C.   Gypsum
D.   Clay

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