1. Babar came to india originally from---?
A.   Seistan
B.   Khorasan
C.   Khiva
D.   Ferghana

2. Babar laid the foundation of Mughal empire in 1526 by defeating---?
A.   Alauddin Khilji
B.   Rana Sanga
C.   Ibrahim Lodhi
D.   Daulat Khan Lodhi

3. The court language of Mughals was?
A.   Urdu
B.   Persian
C.   Hindi
D.   Arabic

4. Babar won the Battle of Panipat mainly because of---?
A.   Tulughma system
B.   His military skill
C.   His cavalry
D.   Both A and B

5. The Mughal emperor, who died to sudden fall from the staircase, was?
A.   Aurangzeb
B.   Jahangir
C.   Humayun
D.   Babar

6. The most famous court-poet (in Hindi literature) of Akbar was?
A.   Abdur Rahim Khan-i-Khan
B.   Tulsidas
C.   Surdas
D.   Raskhan

7. Sher Shah is well-knonw for his administrative skill, especially his---?
A.   Law and order
B.   Mansabdari system
C.   Land revenue system
D.   Market control steps

 8. During the Mughal period which one of the following traders first came to India?
A.   English
B.   Danish
C.   Dutch
D.   Portugese

9. The first Indian ruler to organize Haj pilgrimage at the expense of the state was?
A.   Aurangzeb
B.   Akbar
C.   Feroz Tughlaq
D.   Alauddin Khilji

10. Who amongst the following lost his kingdom in Hindustan but retrieved it after about 15 years in exile?
A.   Humayun
B.   Ghiyas-ud-Din Tughlaq
C.   Alauddin Khilji
D.   Firoz Shah Tughlaq

11. The coin Rupia was first issued by?
A.   Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq
B.   Akbar
C.   Alauddin Khilji
D.   Sher Shah Suri

12. Who was the ruler of medieval India who is credited with the building of the Grand Trunk Road?
A.   Krishnadeva Raja
B.   Jahangir
C.   Sher Shah Suri
D.   Babur

13. Who as the Afghan ruler of India whose administrative system was emulated by the British?
A.   Ahmad Shah
B.   Muhammad Shah
C.   Sher Shah Suri
D.   Bairam Khan

14. The most famous musician at the court of Akbar was Tasen. His original name was?
A.   Ramtanu Pande
B.   Lal Kalwant
C.   Makaranda Pande
D.   Baz Bahadur

15. The tomb of Babar is at?
A.   Sikandra
B.   Sasaram
C.   Kabul
D.   Lahore

16. When did Vasco da Gama came to India?
A.   1543
B.   1398
C.   1498
D.   1492

17. Sher Shah’s real name was?
A.   Farid
B.   Bahadur
C.   Faizi
D.   Hemu

18. The capital of Mughal Empire was shifted from Agra to Delhi by?
A.   Aurangzeb
B.   Shahjahan
C.   Jahanigir
D.   Akbar

19. Which of the following Englishmen was honored by Jahangir with the title of “Khan”?
A.   William Hawkins
B.   Edward Terry
C.   Sir Thomas Roe
D.   None of these

20. The battle of Dharmat was fought between?
A.   Ahmad Shah Durrani and the Marathas
B.   Aurangzeb and Dara Shikoh
C.   Babar and the Afghans
D.   Mhuammad Ghori and Jai Chand


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