1. Which is the most abundant mineral in human body?
A.   Calcium
B.   Magnesium
C.   Potassium
D.   Sodium

2. Which is the most abundant element in human body?
A.   Hydrogen
B.   Nitrogen
C.   Oxygen
D.   Carbon dioxide

3. Which is the oldest known science?
A.   Anatomy
B.   Astronomy
C.   Physiology
D.   Archeology

4. Light is the fastest thing in the world. At what speed it travels?
A.   147000 km
B.   156000 km
C.   186000 km
D.   192000 km

5. Which material has the highest melting point i.e., 3410oC?
A.   Silicon
B.   Tungsten
C.   Mercury
D.   Titanium

6. Novel H1N1 is often referred to as:
A.   Cancer
B.   Aids
C.   Swine flu
D.   Birds flu

7. Which fruit contains the most proteins?
A.   Avocado
B.   Apple
C.   Mango
D.   Strawberry

8. Under water frogs breathe through their:
A.   Eyes
B.   Skin
C.   Marth
D.   Nostroils

9. Which part of the body is called the graveyard of red blood cells?
A.   Liver
B.   Kidney
C.   Lungs
D.   Spleen

10. Upto now how many species of living things have been discovered?
A.   Four billion
B.   Five billion
C.   Six billion
D.   Seven billion

11. Which color has the longest wave length?
A.   Red
B.   Blue
C.   Yellow
D.   Green

12. Which color has the shortest wave length?
A.   Red
B.   Blue
C.   Yellow
D.   Green

13. Which vegetable contain 91% water?
A.   Tomato
B.   Water melon
C.   Cabbage
D.   Onion

14. What is measured on the Torre scale?
A.   Tornados
B.   Humidity
C.   Elasticity
D.   Hardness

15. Which unit of sound was named after Alexander Graham Bell?
A.   Kelvin
B.   Decibel
C.   Ampere
D.   Candela

16. Which gas owns its distinctive smell?
A.   Oxalic acid
B.   Hydrogen
C.   Sodium
D.   Sulphur

17. What plant has flowers but no leaves?
A.   Cactus
B.   Abies
C.   Cedurs
D.   Junipers

18. One million cycle per second is called:
A.   Megabyte
B.   Megahertz
C.   Gigabyte
D.   Hedabyte

19. Chemical preservation of dead organisms in liquid is called:
A.   Exo Biology
B.   Cyro Biology
C.   Entro Biology
D.   Neo Biology

20. What is the biological name of apple?
A.   Basella Alba
B.   Cox Orange Pippen
C.   Viternegundo
D.   Salactuco Sativa

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