1. Which one of the following represents a chemical change?
A.   Sublimation of iodine
B.   Heating a platinum wire in a Bunsen flame
C.   Heating of mercuric oxide powder
D.   Evaporation of alcohol
2. Nitrogen is prepared in lebarotary by heating:
A.   Aluminum nitrate
B.   Ammonium sulphate
C.   The mixture of ammonium chloride and calcium oxide
D.   The mixture of ammonium chloride and sodium nitrite
3. The material used for bleaching paper pulp is:
A.   Sodium
B.   Lime
C.   Alum
D.   Caustic soda
4. Which of the following is a gas?
A.   Plutonium
B.   Chlorine
C.   Mercury
D.   Thorium
5. The instrument, used for recording tremors of earth, is known as:
A.   Lactometer
B.   Seismograph
C.   Hydrometer
D.   Crescograph
6. John Walker invented:
A.   Safety valve
B.   Safety pin
C.   Safety razor
D.   Safety match
7. A solid ball of metal has a spherical cavity inside it. If the ball is heated, the volume of the cavity will:
A.   Decrease
B.   Increase
C.   Have its shape changed
D.   Remain unaffected
8. Fat is digested in the:
A.   Spleen
B.   Large intestine
C.   Small intestine
D.   Mouth
9. The phenomenon of mirage is due to:
A.   Total internal reflection
B.   Polarization of light on reflection
C.   Change in refractive index of air with change in temperature
D.   Absorption of light by air at higher temperature
10. A cyclist negotiating a bend tilts from the vertical direction because of:
A.   Gravitation and centrifugal force
B.   Friction and centrifugal force
C.   Gravitation and centripetal force
D.   Gravitation and friction
11. The plant which bears fruit only once in its life time is:
A.   Date
B.   Papaya
C.   Banana
D.   Grapes
12. Which of the following is correct sequence of evolution?
A.   Birds – Frogs – Reptiles – Mammals – Fishes
B.   Fishes – Reptiles – Frogs – Mammals – Birds
C.   Frogs – Birds – Reptiles – Fishes – Mammals
D.   Fishes – Frogs – Reptiles – Birds – Mammals
13. Amnesia is related to:
A.   Loss of hearing
B.   Loss of teeth
C.   Sleeping sickness
D.   Loss of memory
14. Speed of sound is greater in solids than in liquids because:
A.   The liquids have high elasticity
B.   The solids have high elasticity
C.   The atom in liquids are closely packed
D.   The atoms in solids are regularly arranged
15. Rainbow is produced by tiny rain drops suspended in from on sun rays as a result of:
A.   Refraction and dispersion
B.   Interference
C.   Reflection, refraction, and dispersion
D.   Reflection and interference
16. All the following contribute to pollution except:
A.   Automobiles
B.   Thermal power plants
C.   Hydro-electric power project
D.   Nuclear power plants
17. The hormone that increases the rate of heart beat and blood pressure after shock in a person is:
A.   Adrenalin
B.   Gastrin
C.   Thyroxin
D.   Pancreatic
18. Of the following, which provides the maximum amount of energy in the present-day world?
A.   Liquid fuels
B.   Hydroelectric power resources
C.   Coal
D.   Atomic energy
19. The newly discovered high-temperature superconductor is:
A.   Pure rare-earth metals
B.   Inorganic polymers
C.   Metal alloys
D.   Ceramic oxides
20. “Pasteurized milk” is:
A.   Milk mixed with protein rich powder
B.   Medicated milk for children
C.   Specially treated milk in order to kill bacteria
D.   Milk rich in fats

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