1. While Pakistan has earned record revenue this year, __________ well behind in exports.
(A) It still lag
(B)  It still lags
(C)  It lag still
(D) It lags still
2. Anna and Tania went shopping, but __________ couldn‘t find anything __________ liked.
(A) they, those
(B)  they, them
(C)  those, they
(D) they, they
3. Nuclear energy is __________ dangerous to be used widely.
(A) so
(B)  such
(C) too
(D) that
4. If I have money, I __________ it tomorrow.
(A) will purchase
(B)  would purchase
(C)  have purchase
(D) have purchased
5. Cannon had __________ unique qualities _________ it was used widely in ancient times.
(A) such, that
(B)  such, so
(C)  that, since
(D) that, that
6. She succeeded by __________ hard.
(A) work
(B)  working
(C)  continuous work
(D) continuous working
7. Gulalai made her children __________ chores on Sunday.
(A)  make some
(B)   take some
(C)  do some
(D)  does some
8. I enjoy __________ tennis.
(A)  to play
(B)   plays
(C)  playing
(D)  to playing
9. Most of the guests arrived __________ buses.
(A)  with
(B)   by
(C)   from
(D)  in
10. The departmental store is open __________ eight to seven.
(A)  by
(B)   from
(C)   between
(D)  during
11. On leaving the shopping plaza, Kate was robbed __________ purse.
(A)  by her
(B)   by hers
(C)  of her
(D)  of hers
12. If I had money, I __________ it now.
(A)  will purchase
(B)   would purchase
(C)   would have purchased
(D)  have purchased
13. The man __________ you met is an anchorperson.
(A)  who
(B)   whose
(C)  whom
(D)  which
14. The woman __________ is standing by the table works in electronic media.
(A)  who
(B)   whose
(C)   whom
(D)  which
15. He is looking for accommodation __________ in flat or shared house.
(A)  both
(B)   until
(C)   neither
(D)  either
16. You can go neither by train __________ by bus.
(A)  no
(B)   nor
(C)   or
(D)  and
17. Before designing a public park, the architect must __________ the public.
(A)  consider
(B)   considers
(C)   recognize
(D)  recognizes
18. When she was younger, she __________ five kilometers a day.
(A)  walked
(B)   had walked
(C)   has been walking
(D)  had been walking
19. The house is large __________ is quite old-fashioned.
(A)  and
(B)   or
(C)   which
(D)  but
20. We need to find __________ method to solve this problem.
(A)  other
(B)   the other
(C)  another
(D)  others
21. The students in our school are __________ in other schools.
(A)  smarter
(B)   smarter than
(C)  smarter than those
(D)  more smarter than
22. The number of web entrepreneurs __________ increasing every year.
(A)  is
(B)   are
(C)   has been
(D)  have been
23. Write down __________ your name and roll number.
(A)  both
(B)   either
(C)   neither
(D)  not only
24. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) burns less efficiently than gasoline __________.
(A)  burn
(B)   burns
(C)   should burn
(D)  would burn
25. Oxygen can be mixed with __________ gasses such as Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Chlorine.
(A)  another like
(B)   another
(C)   the other
(D)  other
26. The man __________ wallet was stolen called the police.
(A)  who
(B)   whose
(C)   whom
(D)  which
27. The market is nearer to them than __________.
(A)  we
(B)   our self
(C)  us
(D)  ourselves
28. He takes his turn, and she takes __________.
(A)  her
(B)   hers
(C)   herself
(D)  himself
29. If I had had money, I __________ it yesterday.
(A)  would purchase
(B)   would purchased
(C)   would have purchase
(D)  would have purchased
30. Umma, accompanied by her brother, __________ at the party.
(A)  is
(B)   are
(C)  was
(D)  were

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