1. It was raining yesterday, so we __________ out.
(A)  did not go
(B)   did not went
(C)   would not go
(D)  would not gone
2. I __________ what was happening.
(A)  couldn‘t understood
(B)   couldn‘t understand
(C)   was not able to understood
(D)  was not able to understand
3. If you work hard, you __________ good marks.
(A)  would get
(B)   would got
(C)  will get
(D)  will got
4. If you __________ hard, you would not have failed in the exams.
(A)  have work
(B)   have worked
(C)   had work
(D)  had worked
5. If the camera was working, we __________ a movie.
(A)  could made
(B)   could make
(C)   would made
(D)  would make
6. Emma is getting __________ the car.
(A)  of
(B)   off
(C)  out of
(D)  out off
7. Near the London eye, there is a bridge __________ the Thames River.
(A)  above
(B)   over
(C)   off
(D)  towards
8. Asmat is falling __________ the horse.
(A)  from
(B)   of
(C)  off
(D)  above
9. She is looking for a job in __________ electronic or print media.
(A)  both
(B)   between
(C)   neither
(D)  either
10. They could save money if they bought __________ furniture.
(A)  economical
(B)   economic
(C)   economize
(D)  economics
11. I must get to the market before it __________.
(A)  close
(B)   closes
(C)   closed
(D)  has closed
12. One day people __________ to Moon.
(A)  travel
(B)   traveled
(C)  will travel
(D)  will be travelling
13. Najeeb __________ gym this evening.
(A)  will go
(B)   will goes
(C)   is going
(D)  is going to
14. Emma lives in Brighton, __________?
(A)  doesn‘t she
(B)   don‘t she
(C)   didn‘t she
(D)  won‘t she
15. They will not come here, __________?
(A)  won‘t they
(B)   won‘t them
(C)  will they
(D)  will them
16. The newly installed application sounds very __________.
(A)  interest
(B)   interested
(C)   interestingly
(D)  interesting
17. Our team played __________.
(A)  bad
(B)   badly
(C)   good
(D)  well done
18. Fatima is not at home at the moment. She __________ work.
(A)  is at
(B)   is on
(C)   was at
(D)  was on
19. Fatima, Umma and I __________ good friends.
(A)  am
(B)   was
(C)  are
(D)  been
20. I __________ my mobile phone yesterday.
(A)  loss
(B)   loose
(C)   lose
(D)  lost
21. My elder brother has got a motor bike but I __________.
(A)  have not
(B)   has not
(C)   had not
(D)  could not
22. What __________ to drink, tea or coffee?
(A)  you would like
(B)   would you like
(C)   you would liked
(D)  would you liked
23. __________ for a concert this evening?
(A)  Would you went
(B)   Would you going
(C)   Would you like going
(D)  Would you like to go
24. Are you interested in __________?
(A)  Physics
(B)   the Physics
(C)   a Physics
(D)  Physical
25. I bought some pictures when I was __________ holiday __________ December, and now I‘m going to hang them __________ the wall.
(A)  in, in, along
(B)   on, for, on
(C)  on, in, on
(D)  on, in, along
26. I am going __________ to watch a movie.
(A)  cinema
(B)   to cinema
(C)   to a cinema
(D)  to the cinema
27. Anna has finished her work, now she is __________ home.
(A)  going
(B)   going to
(C)   going to the
(D)  going towards the
28. Write your name and roll number __________ top of the page.
(A)  at
(B)   at the
(C)   on
(D)  on the
29. We came __________ the room and jumped __________ the swimming pool.
(A)  out, in
(B)   out, into
(C)  out of, into
(D)  out of, in
30. She lived __________ Australia __________ 2008 __________ 2015.
(A)  in, during, till
(B)   in, between, until
(C)   in, from, till
(D)  in, from, until
31. Not only her parents __________ her class teacher __________ proud of her results.
(A)  but also, was
(B)   but also, were
(C)   and also, was
(D)  and also, were
32. Yesterday I got a call from my old friend, and he __________ me the whole story.
(A)  tell
(B)   tells
(C)  told
(D)  telling
33. Maldives is a country __________ thousands of islands, and it is __________ most dispersed country.
(A)  made of, a
(B)   made of, the
(C)   made up of, a
(D)  made up of, the
34. You need to write your mobile number, while home address is __________.
(A)  option
(B)   options
(C)  optional
(D)  optionals
35. The problem is not _________ to one of internal.
(A)  reduce
(B)   reducible
(C)   reliable
(D)  reduction
36. They had been __________ false beliefs from their childhood.
(A)  doctrinated
(B)   indoctrine
(C)  indoctrinated
(D)  indoctrination
37. She is not willing to reveal the identity of her __________.
(A)  inform
(B)   informant
(C)   informal
(D)  information
38. Employs in this department always __________ close relations with each other.
(A)  maintain
(B)   maintains
(C)   maintained
(D)  maintenance
39. Emma is older __________ Alice, while Jolie is __________ oldest.
(A)  than, an
(B)   from, the
(C)   then, the
(D)  than, the
40. I can‘t walk anymore, I‘m __________ tired.
(A)  too
(B)   so
(C)   such
(D)  so such

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