Pakistan history events with date starting from 1867 to 1947. Pakistan history events are very important for tests at provincial as well as federal level. So you need to be prepared with Pakistan history events.

Urdu-Hindi Controversy1867
Anjuman Himayat-i-Islam22/24 September 1884At Lahore, 1st president was Qazi Hamid-ud-Din
Indian National Congress28 December 1885At Bombay, Foundr was Allan Octavian
Establishment of Muhammadan Educational Conference27 Dec. 1886At Aligarh
Nadva-tul-Ulema1894At Lucknow
Durand Line Agreement12 November 1893B/w Amir Abdur Rehman and British Govt.
Partition of Bengal1905Annulled in 1911
Simla Deputation1st Oct. 1906By muslim leaders to viceroy Lord Minto
All India Muslim League30 Dec. 1906At Dhaka, 1st president was Sir Agha Khan
Minto-Morley Reforms1906By Lord Morley, other name is Acto of 1909
Kanpur Mosque Incident 3 Aug. 1913
The Lucknow PactDec. 1916
The Massacre of Jallianwala Bagh13 Apr. 1919Amritsar, India
Khilafat Movement 1919Ended in 1924
Chauri Chaura Incident5 Feb. 1922At Chauri Chaura in Gorakhpur, UP
Simon CommissionNov. 1927
The Delhi-Muslim Proposals1927
Nehru Report1928By Motilal Nehru
Fourteen Points of Jinnah1929By M.A Jinnah
Khudai Khidmatgar MovementNov. 1929
Allahbad Address1930
1st Round Table Conference12 Nov. 1930At London
Gandhi-Irwin Pact5 Mar. 1931
2nd Round Table Conference7 Sep. 1931
3rd Round Table Conference17 Nov. 1932
The Communal Award16 Aug. 1932By British P.M Ramsay MacDonald
The Unionnist Party1936By Sir Fazl-i-Husain
Lahore Resolution22-24 March 1940At Minto Park Lahore
Maulana Zafar Ali Khan from Punjab
Sardar Aurangzeb from NWFP
Sir Abdullah Haroon from Sindh
Qazi Esa from Baluchistan
British August Offer8 Aug. 1940
Civil Disobedience Movement13 Oct. 1940
Cripps Mission22 March, 1942By Sir Stafford Cripps
Quit India Movement8 Aug. 1942
Gandhi-Jinnah Talks19-24 Sep. 1944At Bombay
Wavell PlanJun. 1945by Lord Wavell
Simla Conference25 Jun. 1945
Cabinet Mission Plan16 May. 1946

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