1. What is laughing gas called?
A.   Nitrous oxide
B.   Ferric hydroxide
C.   Sulphur dioxide
D.   Ferrous chloride

2. Creatures which have both male and female organs are known as?
A.   Hermaphrodite

3. Hepatitis and jaundiced are the diseases of?
A.   Lungs
B.   Liver
C.   Spleen
D.   Kidney

4. The art of designing sequence of movements in which motion form or both are specified like dance motion is called?
A.   Metallography
B.   Plerytography
C.   Dactylography
D.   Choreography

5. The science of study of finger prints is known as?
A.   Dactylography
B.   Oscillography
C.   Bibliography
D.   Choreography

6. If speed of rotation of earth increases what effect it would have on the weight of your body?
A.   Increases
B.   Decrease
C.   Remains the same
D.   None of these

7. The ultraviolet rays from sun light helps convert skin oil into?
A.   Vitamin A
B.   Vitamin C
C.   Vitamin D
D.   Vitamin E

8. When heavy and unstable elements split into relatively smaller elements with the release of energy the process is called?
A.   Infusion
B.   Diffusion
C.   Fusion
D.   Fission

9. What part of the body consists of the duodenum, the jejunum and ileum?
A.   Small intestine
B.   Lungs
C.   Stomach
D.   Spleen

10. What is the only mammal with the power of active flight?
A.   Bat
B.   Colugos
C.   Possums
D.   Squirrel

11. What is the name of milky fluid obtained from tree which is used to make rubber?
A.   Latex
B.   Rosin
C.   Sap
D.   Soy

12. Which is the smallest unit of protein?
A.   Calcium
B.   Amino acid
C.   Glycerol
D.   Fatty acid

13. What part of the brain controls breathing?
A.   Hypothalamus
B.   Cerebrum
C.   Thalamus
D.   Modula

14. For how many times a man breathe in a minute?
A.   17 to 18 times
B.   20 to 25 times
C.   21 to 26 times
D.   25 to 35 times

15. Which is the coastline metal in the world?
A.   Platinum
B.   Iridium
C.   Titanium
D.   Gold

16. Which is the largest part present in human body?
A.   Liver
B.   Lungs
C.   Skin
D.   Brain

17. Which is the largest bone of human body?
A.   Thigh bone
B.   Arm bone
C.   Chest bone
D.   Hip bone

18. Which part of the eye is the only part of the body without blood supply?
A.   Cornea
B.   Retina
C.   Pupils
D.   None of these

19. On which dates days and nights are equal?
A.   15th March and 23rd September
B.   21st March and 23rd September
C.   23rd March and 21st September
D.   None of these

20. The study of prehistoric animal and plant-life through the analysis of fossil remains is called?
A.   Acobiology
B.   Archeology
C.   Hematology
D.   Paleontology

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