1. Fear of enclosed spaces is called?
A.   Aerophobia
B.   Apiphobia
C.   Agoraphobia
D.   Claustrophobia

2. What is the main constituent of Sui Gas?
A.   Methane
B.   Nitrogen
C.   Propane
D.   Ethylene

3. Which of the following serves as a primary remedy for upset stomach?
A.   Soda water
B.   Gwava
C.   Green vegetables
D.   Cool liver oil

4. Which aciD is used in car batteries?
A.   Hydrochloric acid
B.   Sulphuric acid
C.   Formic acid
D.   Oxalic acid

5. Speed of sound in air is?
A.   280 m/s
B.   300 m/s
C.   331 m/s
D.   480 m/s

6. Post-Mortem examination of a body is known as?
A.   Slimpsy
B.   Dropsy
C.   Autopsy
D.   Biopsy

7. The normal pulse beat of a human body is between?
A.   78-110
B.   80-120
C.   76-82
D.   72-80

8. The frequency of which of the following is highest?
A.   Radio waves
B.   Ultrasonic waves
C.   Light waves
D.   None of these

9. Which is the best source of protein?
A.   Beef
B.   Fish
C.   Cheese
D.   Chicken

10. The summer with the study and cultivation of fruit is known as?
A.   Mycology
B.   Ophthalmology
C.   Pomology
D.   Ecology

11. Which wave travel with almost the velocity of light?
A.   Solar wave
B.   Blue wave
C.   Radio wave
D.   Ultrasonic wave

12. Which organ in the body purifies blood?
A.   Lungs
B.   Liver
C.   Spleen
D.   Kidney

13. In which month the distance between sun and the earth is shortest?
A.   December
B.   August
C.   June
D.   January

14. The acceleration caused by gravity per second is?
A.   40 m
B.   45 m
C.   48 m
D.   52 m

15. What is the atmospheric pressure at sea level?
A.   820 mm
B.   760 mm
C.   720 mm
D.   690 mm

16. Which is the largest gland in a body?
A.   Kidney
B.   Lungs
C.   Heart
D.   Liver

17. Which is the largest organ of body?
A.   Skin
B.   Intestine
C.   Liver
D.   Lungs

18. Which type of carbon is used in lead pencils?
A.   Gypsum
B.   Radon
C.   Phosphorus
D.   Graphite

19. Name the acid which is common to all acids?
A.   Sulphuric
B.   Carbolic
C.   Hydrogen
D.   Oxalic

20. In which medium the sound travels fastest?
A.   Glass
B.   Wood
C.   Water
D.   Steel
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