1. The largest desert in the world is
(A)  Antarctica
(B)   Arctic
(C)  Sahara
(D)  Atacama

2. The largest cold desert in the world is
(A)  Antarctica
(B)   Arctic
(C)   Sahara
(D)  Atacama

3. The largest hot desert in the world is
(A)  Cholistan
(B)   Arctic
(C)  Sahara
(D)  Atacama

4. The Sahara desert is located in
(A)  Asia
(B)   Africa
(C)   South America
(D)  Australia

5. The driest desert in the world is
(A)  Sahara Desert
(B)   Cholistan Desert
(C)   Arabian Desert
(D)  Atacama Desert

6. The Atacama Desert is located in
(A)  Asia
(B)   Africa
(C)  South America
(D)  Australia

7. Kansai International Airport on an artificial island is located in
(A)  China
(B)   Japan
(C)   South Korea
(D)  North Korea

8. The Seven Rila Lakes are located in
(A)  Bulgaria
(B)   Hungary
(C)   Poland
(D)  Czech Republic

9. The largest waterfalls system in the world is
(A)  Angel Falls
(B)   Victoria Falls
(C)   Niagara Falls
(D)  Iguazu Falls

10. The famous waterfall, Iguazu Falls, is located on the border of
(A)  United States and Canada
(B)   Chile and Portugal
(C)  Argentina and Brazil
(D)  Paraguay and Uruguay

11. Which country contains the most volcanoes in the world?
(A)  Indonesia
(B)   Maldives
(C)   South Africa
(D)  Mexico

12. Which country is the lowest in the world?
(A)  Indonesia
(B)   Maldives
(C)   South Africa
(D)  Netherlands

13. Which country recognizes the highest number of official languages?
(A)  Indonesia
(B)   Maldives
(C)   South Africa
(D)  Mexico

14. The constitution of South Africa recognizes __________ official languages.
(A)  8
(B)   9
(C)   10
(D)  11

15. Which country is completely surrounded by South Africa?
(A)  Gabon
(B)   Laos
(C)  Lesotho
(D)  Niue

16. The Komodo dragons are found in
(A)  Indonesia
(B)   Maldives
(C)   South Africa
(D)  Egypt

17. Jeju Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located in
(A)  Indonesia
(B)   Egypt
(C)   South Africa
(D)  South Korea

18. Borobudur, a UNESCO World Heritage Site is located in
(A)  Indonesia
(B)   Egypt
(C)   South Africa
(D)  South Korea

19. The Orange River flows in
(A)  Indonesia
(B)   Egypt
(C)  South Africa
(D)  Mexico

20. The Chapultepec Castle is located in
(A)  Indonesia
(B)   Egypt
(C)   South Africa
(D)  Mexico

21. The United Nations was founded on

(A)  March 24, 1945
(B)   October 24, 1945
(C)   March 24, 1949
(D)  October 24, 1950

22. Which country from the following is NOT the member of UNO?
(A)  Vatican City
(B)   Afghanistan
(C)   North Korea
(D)  Vietnam

23. The International Court of Justice is located in
(A)  New York
(B)   Washington
(C)   Geneva
(D)  The Hague

24. The Great Wall of China is about __________ KM long.
(A)  18,196
(B)   19,196
(C)   20,196
(D)  21,196

25. The oldest university in the world is
(A)  Cambridge University
(B)   Oxford University
(C)  University of Bologna
(D)  University of Warwick

26. There are _________ non-permanent members of the Security Council.
(A)  5
(B)   7
(C)  10
(D)  15

27. The currency of Indonesia is
(A)  Rupiah
(B)   Dinar
(C)   Ringgit
(D)  Riyal

28. The D-8 is an organization of eight ________ countries.
(A)  Developed
(B)   Developing
(C)   Asian
(D)  African

29. The European Union‘s working capital is in
(A)  London
(B)   Lisbon
(C)   Austria
(D)  Brussels

30. The headquarter of NATO is located in
(A)  New York
(B)   Paris
(C)   Geneva
(D)  Brussels

If you want to add, change or suggest anything, please tell us in comments box. Your recommendations will be appreciated. Thanks

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