If you want to compete with others in different tests, then you must have grip on General knowledge as it covers more portion of the paper. So be prepared with General Knowledge.

1.The bridge in Istanbul, Turkey that connects Asia and Europe is called

1.       Golden Gate Bridge
2.       Akashi Kaikyo Bridge
3.       Bosphorus Bridge
4.       Royal Gorge Bridge

2. Alexandria is a city in
(A)  Turkey
(B)   Egypt
(C)   Jordan
(D)  Greece

3. About __________% of Antarctica is covered by ice.
(A)  97
(B)   98
(C)   99
(D)  100

4. Ross Island in the Ross Sea is located near
(A)  Greenland
(B)   Norway
(C)  Continent of Antarctica
(D)  Continent of Australia

5. The first European to reach India by sea was
(A)  Christopher Columbus
(B)   Marco Polo
(C)   John Cabot
(D)  Vasco da Gama

6. Vasco da Gama was a/an __________ explorer.
(A)  British
(B)   French
(C)   German
(D)  Portuguese

7. The World Wide Web was invented by
(A)  Tim Berners-Lee
(B)   Bob Kahn
(C)   Steve Jobs
(D)  Bill Gates

8. The birthplace of the World Wide Web was
(B)   Pentagon
(D)  Microsoft

9. The headquarter of the European Organization for Nuclear Research, called CERN, is located in
(A)  Belgium
(B)   Switzerland
(C)   Germany
(D)  England

10. The book ―Emile‖ or ―On Education‖ was written by
(A)  Rousseau
(B)   Socrates
(C)   Plato
(D)  Aristotle

11. The world‘s longest land border between the two countries is the border between
(A)  US and Canada
(B)   US and Mexico
(C)   India and Pakistan
(D)  South Korea and North Korea

12. The world‘s largest island is
(A)  Greenland
(B)   Finland
(C)   Indonesia
(D)  United Kingdom

13. Which country is the largest archipelagic country in the world?
(A)  Greenland
(B)   Finland
(C)  Indonesia
(D)  United Kingdom

14. Indonesia is a country with around __________ islands.
(A)  10,000
(B)   11,000
(C)   12,000
(D)  13,000

15. The most dispersed country in the world is
(A)  Maldives
(B)   Indonesia
(C)   Malaysia
(D)  Philippines

16. The Maldives is spread over __________ km2.
(A)  60,000
(B)   70,000
(C)   80,000
(D)  90,000

17. Maldives, a country in Asia, consists of around __________ islands.
(A)  1100
(B)   1152
(C)  1192
(D)  1212

18. Which country is also called the ―Land of the Midnight Sun‖?
(A)  Japan
(B)   Norway
(C)   Netherlands
(D)  South Africa

19. Which country is also called ―Rainbow Nation‖?
(A)  Japan
(B)   Norway
(C)   Netherlands
(D)  South Africa

20. ―Netherlands‖ literally means
(A)  ideal location
(B)   lower countries
(C)   mouth of land
(D)  land of sun set

If you want to add, change or suggest anything, please tell us in comments box. Your recommendations will be appreciated. Thanks

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