1. Which animal never drinks water in its entire life?
a.     Kangaroo
b.     Hippopotamus
c.      Rat
d.    Kangaroo rat

2. What is the physical phase of life called?
a.     Protoplasm
b.     Cytoplasm
c.      Organelles
d.     None of the above

3. The largest cell is ________________
a.     Nerve Cell
b.     Ovum
c.      The egg of an Ostrich
d.     None of the above

4. Which is the largest human cell?
a.     Liver
b.     Skin
c.      Spleen
d.    Ovum

5. _________________ is the longest cell.
a.     Nerve Cell
b.     Skin
c.      Spleen
d.     None of the above

6. What is the name of the cells in the body that engulf foreign particles like bacteria?
a.     Phagocytes
b.     Globulin
c.      Fibrinogen
d.     Albumin

7. There are _____ number of muscles in human.
a.     638
b.     637
c.      639
d.     640

8. What is the life span of RBC?
a.     130 days
b.     110 days
c.      100 days
d.    120 days

9. What is the life span of WBC?
a.     2-15 days
b.     3-15 days
c.      4-15 days
d.     5-20 days

10. Longest bone in human being body is _____?
a.     Humerus
b.    Femur
c.      Radius
d.     Tibia

11. The number of ribs in a human body is _____.
a.     23
b.    24
c.      25
d.     22

12. Which is the smallest flightless bird?
a.     Kiwi
b.     Penguin
c.      Ostrich
d.     Rhea

13. Saurology is the study of ___________.
a.     Mosquitoes
b.     Snake
c.      Lizards
d.     Cockroach

14. Hormones are produced by _____________
a.     Endocrine glands
b.     Pituitary glands
c.      Hypothalamus
d.     Pancreas

15. Which of the following is the ‗master gland‘?
a.     Thymus gland
b.     Pancreas
c.      Pineal gland
d.    Pituitary gland

16. What is the full form of ADH?
a.     Anti-Diuretic Hormone
b.     Adhesive Diuretic Hormone
c.      Acidic Diuretic Hormone
d.     Adenosine Double Hormone

17. What is the normal value of blood sugar in the body?
a.     80 to 120mg/100 ml of blood
b.     70 to 120mg/100 ml of blood
c.      90 to 120mg/100 ml of blood
d.     60 to 120mg/100 ml of blood

18. Which is the largest blood vessel in the body?
a.     Alveoli
b.     Artery
c.      Aorta
d.     Vein

19. Which of the following carries impure blood?
a.     Pulmonary artery
b.     Pulmonary vein
c.      Alveoli
d.     Aorta

20. Who had performed the world‘s first heart transplant?
a.     Dr. Venugopal
b.     William Harvey
c.      Christian Bernard
d.     None of the above

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