1. Most of the explosions in mines occur due to the mixing of:
A.   Oxygen with acetylene
B.   Methane with air
C.   Hydrogen with oxygen
D.   Carbon dioxide with ethane

2. The blood glucose level is commonly expressed as:
A.   Milligram per deciliter
B.   Parts per million
C.   Grammes per million
D.   Millimeter of Hg.

3. Soft drinks such as colas contain significant quantities of:
A.   Nicotine
B.   Caffeine
C.   Renin
D.   Tannin

4. Which one of the following does a TV remote control unit use  to operate a TV set?
A.   Sound waves
B.   Microwaves
C.   Radio waves
D.   Light waves

5. A small pouch containing silica gel is often found in bottles of medicine in tablet or powder from because silica gel:
A.   Kills germs and spores
B.   Absorbs moisture
C.   Kills bacteria
D.   Absorbs all gases present inside the bottle

6. Fluorescent tubes are fitted with a choke. The choke coil:
A.   Chokes low frequency currents
B.   Steps down the line voltage
C.   Reduces current in the circuit
D.   Steps up the line voltage

7. For reproducing sound, a CD (Compact Disc) audio player uses a:
A.   Laser beam
B.   Titanium needle
C.   Quartz crystal
D.   Barium titanate ceramic

8. If a U-238 nucleus splits into two identical parts, two nuclei so produced will be:
A.   Stable
B.   Isotopes
C.   Isobars
D.   Radioactive

9. Which of the following radiations is absorbed by the upper layer of the atmosphere?
A.   Visible
B.   Ultraviolet
C.   Infrared
D.   Radio waves

10. Approximately, how many times each day do our heart valves open and close normally?
A.   2,00,000
B.   1,50,000
C.   1,00,000
D.   10,000

11. A nuclear reactor harnesses nuclear energy by:
A.   Spontaneous fission
B.   Uncontrolled chain reaction
C.   Controlled chain reaction
D.   Nuclear fusion

12. Which one of the following raw material is used in the manufacture of foam used in mattresses, cushions, etc.?
A.   Phenol
B.   Urea
C.   Ethanol
D.   Methanol

13. Permanent magnets can be made from:
A.   Lead
B.   Zinc
C.   Cobalt
D.   Aluminum

14. Atmospheric pressure exerted on the earth is due to the:
A.   Gravitational pull
B.   Revolution of the earth
C.   Rotation of the earth
D.   Uneven heating of the earth

15. Quantity of fresh air required for man is:
A.   1000 cubic feet of air for every 20 seconds
B.   1000 cubic feet of air for every 20 minutes
C.   1000 cubic feet of air for every 10 seconds
D.   1000 cubic feet of air for every 10 minutes

16. Where does the oxygen that keeps us alive come from?
A.   Water
B.   Oxides of mineral
C.   Carbon dioxide
D.   Carbonates absorbed from soil

17. Which one of the following metals pollutes the air of a city having large number of automobiles?
A.   Lead
B.   Copper
C.   Chromium
D.   Cadmium

18. Where is blood formed in the human body?
A.   Spleen
B.   Liver
C.   Heart
D.   Bone marrow

19. Which of the following is the name of the smallest part of the matte discovered by the scientists?
A.   Neutron
B.   Positron
C.   Quark
D.   Proton

20. Trachoma is a disease of the:
A.   Larynx
B.   Eye
C.   Brain
D.   Ear

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