1. White ball __________ for the first time in the 1992 Cricket World Cup.
(A)  used
(B)   was used
(C)   had used
(D)  has been used
2. The new information on dengue virus caused panic in the public and government
(A)  like
(B)   likely
(C)  alike
(D)  dislike
3. I cannot come to see you _________ tomorrow.
(A)  by
(B)   till
(C)  until
(D)  unless
4. He has been living in Switzerland _________ two years.
(A)  for
(B)   since
(C)   from
(D)  until
5. She is standing __________ her boyfriend.
(A)  with
(B)   by
(C)   in
(D)  for
6. He paid the dining bill __________ a credit card.
(A)  with
(B)   by
(C)   in
(D)  for
7. He did not give up __________.
(A)  hope
(B)   hopes
(C)   to hope
(D)  hoping
8. __________ the bad weather, the outdoor party was rescheduled.
(A)  Because of
(B)   In order to
(C)   Despite
(D)  In spite of
9. __________ loosing the first match, our team has won the world cup.
(A)  Because of
(B)   In order to
(C)  Despite
(D)  In spite of
10. Everyone at the party __________ amazed by his performance.
(A)  is
(B)   are
(C)   were
(D)  was
11. She __________ for the upcoming tennis tournament.
(A)  trains
(B)   is training
(C)   will train
(D)  is going to train
12. I __________ Afghanistan next year.
(A)  go
(B)   will go
(C)   am going
(D)  am going to
13. There are some vacant rooms __________ in flats and shared houses.
(A)  both
(B)   between
(C)   either
(D)  neither
14. The sun rises __________ the east.
(A)  in
(B)   on
(C)   from
(D)  towards
15. Nitrogen gas is in abundance __________ the Earth.
(A)  in
(B)   on
(C)   above
(D)  along
16. I was watching a TV program, when he __________ in.
(A)  walk
(B)   walks
(C)  walked
(D)  was walking
17. We are planning __________ out to dinner tonight.
(A)  taking our guests
(B)   guests to take
(C)   guests taking
(D)  to take our guests
18. She took lessons __________ how to swim.
(A)  learn
(B)   for learning
(C)  to learn
(D)  learning
19. The class teacher __________ Anna move to another chair.
(A)  allows
(B)   allowed
(C)  let
(D)  permitted
20. He devotes much of his time __________ for the future.
(A)  to planning
(B)   to plan
(C)   plan
(D)  planning
21. For good health, she __________ bed earlier.
(A)  should go
(B)   should go to
(C)   should goes
(D)  should goes to
22. If you have time, you __________ the nature museum.
(A)  should visit
(B)   should visited
(C)   have to visit
(D)  would visit
23. It is our problem, not __________.
(A)  their
(B)   theirs
(C)   there
(D)  there‘s
24. The number of guests at the party __________ amazing.
(A)  was
(B)   were
(C)   had
(D)  have had
25. __________ 600 and 800 B.C, Olympics were held in Athens, Greece.
(A)  During
(B)   Until
(C)   Unless
(D)  Between
26. She __________ the driving test to get a license.
(A)  should pass
(B)   should has passed
(C)  has to pass
(D)  have to pass
27. As there were no buses, she __________ home last night.
(A)  has to walk
(B)   has to walked
(C)  had to walk
(D)  had to walked
28. __________ these books belong to?
(A)  Who do
(B)   Who does
(C)   Whom do
(D)  Whom does
29. If Ashraf __________ earlier, he would always be on time.
(A)  get up
(B)   got up
(C)   had get up
(D)  had got up
30. Asmah __________ a book yesterday.
(A)  had read
(B)   readed
(C)   red
(D)  read

Also Read:

If you want to add, change or suggest anything, please tell us in comments box. Your recommendations will be appreciated. Thanks


  1. Question 11 , i think last option correct ha

  2. Very good effort dear, keep it up.

  3. Questions are good but the explanation of the answers must be there so that we clear our doubts.
