1) Central Processing Unit is combination of …..
1.     Control and Storage Unit
2.     Control and Output Unit
3.     Arithmetic Logic and Input Unit
4.     Arithmetic Logic and Control Unit
2) The octal equivalent of 111010 is ……
1.     81
2.     72
3.     71
4.     None of the above
3) Programs designed to perform specific tasks is known as ….
1.     System Software
2.     Application Software
3.     Utility Software
4.     Operating Software
4) Analog Computer works on the supply of
1.     Continuous electrical pulses
2.     Electrical pulses but not continuous
3.     Magnetic strength
4.     None of the above
5) Time during which a job is processed by a the computer is ….
1.     Delay times
2.     Real time
3.     Execution time
4.     Down time
6) Which of the following chips can be reprogrammed with special electric pulses?
1.     EPROM
2.     PROM
3.     ROM
4.     EEPROM
7) Hexadecimal number system have …
1.     One stable stage
2.     Two stable state
3.     Eight Stable state
4.     Sixteen Stable state
8) The mostly commonly used standard data code to represent alphabetical, numerical and punctuation character used in electronic data processing system is called …
1.     ASCII
2.     EDCDII
3.     BCD
4.     All of the above
9) The term gigabyte refers to …
1.     1024 bytes
2.     1024 kilobytes
3.     1024 megabytes
4.     1024 terabytes
10) Seek time is …..
1.     Time to position the head over proper track
2.     Time to position the head over proper sector
3.     Time to position the head over proper cylinder
4.     None of the above
11) Which is considered a direct entry input device?
Optical scanner
Mouse and digitizer
Light pen
All of the above
12) Group of instructions that direct a computer is called …
1.     Storage
2.     Logic
3.     Memory
4.     Program
13) A type of memory chip whose contents cannot be saved when a computer is turned off ….
1.     ROM
2.     PROM
3.     RAM
4.     EPROM
14) In latest generation computers, the instructions are executed …..
1.     Parallel only
2.     Sequentially only
3.     Both sequentially and parallel
4.     All of the above
15) Which of the following terms is the most closely related to main memory?
1.     None volatile
2.     Permanent
3.     Control unit
4.     Temporary
16) Which language is directly understood by the computer without translation program …
1.     Machine language
2.     Assembly language
3.     High level language
4.     None of the above
17) Which of the following is used only for data entry and storage, and never of processing?
1.     Mouse
2.     Dumb terminal
3.     Micro computer
4.     Dedicated data entry system
18) Who is called called the ―Grand Father of the computer?
1.     Blaise Pascal
2.     Charles Babbage
3.     Joseph Jacquard
4.     Dr. Herman Hollerith
19) The translator program used in assembly language is called …
1.     Computer
2.     Interpreter
3.     Assembler
4.     Translator
20) A modern electronic computer is a machine that is meant for ….
1.     Doing quick mathematical calculation
2.     Input, storage, manipulation and outputting of data
3.     Electronic Data processing
4.     Performing repetitive task accurately

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