1. Binary code ―0 means …………
A)  State of absence
B)   State of presence
C)   State of Negative
D)  State of Positive
2. …………. is compulsory part of HTML.
A)  <br>
B)   <body>
C)   <tr>
D)  <img>
3. CAI stands for …………….
A)  Computer Aided Instruction
B)   Computer Aided information
C)   Cost Added Information
D)  Computer Aided Infrastructure
4. Maximum font size in HTML is ………..
A)  6
B)   7
C)   5
D)  8
5. MICR reader is an …………… device.
A.   Input
B.   Output
C.   Electric
D.   Storage
6. Internet is ……………..
A.   Network of Networks
B.   Networks of Communication
C.   Networks of Data
D.   Group of LAN
7. …………….. is a standalone tag.
A.   <img>
B.   <body>
C.   <head>
D.   <p>
8. FTP stands for
A.   Folder Transfer Protocol
B.   File Transfer Process
C.   File Transfer Protocol
D.   File Text Protocol
9. Hexadecimal number system has …………..base.
A.   16
B.   14
C.   12
D.   08
10. HTML stands for
A.   Hypertext Mass up language
B.   Hypertext Markup language
C.   Hypertext Move up language
D.   Hypertext Mark of language
11. The default setting for a horizontal rule is …………..
A.   shaded
B.   unshaded
C.   both
D.   none of the above
12. …………… tag is used to embed image in a webpage.
A.   <img src=‖pic.gif‖>
B.   <img src=pic.gif>
C.   <img source=‖pic.gif‖>
D.   None of the above
13. This is a global collection of high-powered computer that are connected together with cables, telephone lines, microwave dishes, satellites etc.
A.   Arpanet
B.   Internet
C.   Network
D.   All of the above
14. ………… is used to pointing / selecting the screen co-ordinates by detecting the light.
A.   Light Pen
B.   Bar Code Reader
C.   Digital Camera
D.   Smart Cards
15. …………… displays the information about the active document such as page number, section number, number of pages, insertion point, position, etc.
A.   View Bar
B.   Menu Bar
C.   Status Bar
D.   Ruler Line
16. ……….. a record means a new record to the file.
A.   Amending
B.   Updating
C.   Editing
D.   Appending
17. To move the cursor to end of the document, press …………….
A.   Ctrl+End
B.   End
C.   Alt+End
D.   Shift+End
18. SMTP stands for
A.   Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
B.   Simple Mail Transport Protocol
C.   Sample Mail Transfer Protocol
D.   Sample Mail Transport Protocol
19. JPEG stands for ……………
A.   Joint Photo Experts Group
B.   Joint Photogenic Experts Group
C.   Joint Photographic Experts Group
D.   Joint Photoelectric Experts Group
20. The short cut key to start a new line without starting a new paragraph is ……
A.   Ctrl+Enter
B.   Shift+Enter
C.   Alt+Enter
D.   Enter

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