1. Name the first Muslim ruler who established Navy:
A.   Hazrat Ali (RA)
B.   Hazrat Usman (RA)
C.   Hazrat Ameer Muawiya (RA)
D.   Hazrat Umar (RA)

2. Who was the first Ummayad Caliph of Spain?
A.   Abdul Rahman I
B.   Muawiya I
C.   Muawiya II
D.   Tariq bin Ziyad

3. Who was the first Abbasid Caliph?
A.   Saffah
B.   Marwan
C.   Abbas bin Ali
D.   Saleh bin Abdullah

4. Who was the first Umayyad Caliph?
A.   Hazrat Hasan (RA)
B.   Hazrat Ameer Muawiya (RA)
C.   Hazrat Yazeed bin Muawiya (RA)
D.   Hazrat Zubair (RA)

5. In which battle Hazrat Ali (RA) did not participate?
A.   Tabook
B.   Mota
C.   Badr
D.   Ahzab

6. Who is name as Gate of Knowledge?
A.   Hazrat Abbas (RA)
B.   Hazrat Umar (RA)
C.   Hazrat Ali (RA)
D.   None of these

7. Name the first book of Hadith that was compiled by anyone:
A.   Sahih Muslim
B.   Sahih Bukhari
C.   Muta Imam Malik
D.   None of these

8. “Bait-e-Rizwan” was made to take the revenge of:
A.   Hazrat Usman (RA)
B.   Hazrat Ali (RA)
C.   Hazrat Umar (RA)
D.   Hazrat Hamza (RA)

9. The largest number of ‘Ahadith’ were reported by:
A.   Hazrat Ali (RA)
B.   Hazrat Ayesha (RA)
C.   Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA)
D.   Hazrat Anas bin Malik (RA)

10. The “Berber” tribes were resident of:
A.   China
B.   Andulus
C.   North Africa
D.   South Korea

11. The city constructed on the bank of the river Tigris is:
A.   Najaf
B.   Basra
C.   Tehran
D.   Baghdad

12. The first Umayad Amir of Andulus to adopt the title of Caliph was?
A.   Hamza III
B.   Umar III
C.   Abdul Rehman III
D.   Al Hadi

13. The great mosque of Damascus was built by?
A.   Umar II
B.   Amir Muawiya
C.   Waleed I
D.   None of these

14. Slahuddin Ayubi emerged as the hero of the Muslims in:
A.   First Crusade
B.   Second Crusade
C.   Third Crusade
D.   Fourth Crusade

15. The total period of Abbasids caliphate was?
A.   400 years
B.   508 years
C.   650 years
D.   530 years

16. Name the person who was the first to translate the Holy Quran in Persian:
A.   Shah Walliullah
B.   Khalid bin Waleed
C.   Shah Rafi ud Din
D.   Mujadi alif Sani

17. The last Fatimid ruler was?
A.   Al-Mansur
B.   Al-Adid
C.   Al-Muizz
D.   None of these

18. The pact of Median was signed between:
A.   Jews and Muslims
B.   Ans and Khazraj
C.   Christians and Muslims
D.   None of these

19. The first attack on Constantinople was launched by the Muslims in the reign of:
A.   Muawiya
B.   Hazrat Usman (RA)
C.   Hazrat Ali (RA)
D.   Merman I

20. Name the first shaheed of incident of Barmoona:
A.   Hazrat Haram bin Malhan (RA)
B.   Hazrat Hamza (RA)
C.   Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (RA)
D.   Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (RA)

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