1. In which country alcohol is used as fuel for vehicles?
A.   USA
B.   Brazil
C.   Germany
D.   Japan
2. The device used for the measurement of current, voltage and resistance is:
A.   Ammeter
B.   AVO meter
C.   Galvanometer
D.   Ohmmeter
3. Silicon is a:
A.   Conductor
B.   Semi-conductor
C.   Superconductor
D.   Insulator
4. The speed of sound is:
A.   300 meter per second
B.   315 meter per second
C.   362 meter per second
D.   340 meter per second
5. For sending sound waves at large distance, which waves are used?
A.   Light waves
B.   Radio waves
C.   Infrared waves
D.   X-waves
6. The carrier waves used for the radio transmission have frequency upto:
A.   15 KHz
B.   30 KHz
C.   90 KHz
D.   150 KHz
7. Video camera is used to convert:
A.   Heat into x-rays
B.   Picture into electrical signals
C.   Electrical signals into pictures
D.   Sound into electrical signals
8. The range of a 100 meter high T.V. transmitter Ariel is about:
A.   10 km
B.   30 km
C.   20 km
D.   50 km
9. The waves used for sending signals to the satellite from ground station are:
A.   X-rays
B.   Sound waves
C.   Micro waves
D.   Ultraviolet rays
10. A mobile phone sends and receives messages through:
A.   Micro waves
B.   Sound waves
C.   Ultraviolet waves
D.   Radio waves
11. The procedure of crushing the gallstones and kidney stone by laser is called: 
A.   Kidney surgery
B.   MRI
C.   Angeography
D.   Lithotropsy
12. 3D image formed by laser is called:
A.   Hologram
B.   Photograph
C.   Two dimensional sketch
D.   Photocopy
13. Optical fibers are the fine strands of
A.   Iron
B.   Glass
C.   Calcium
D.   Mercury
14. The satellites which revolve in such an orbit, so that they move with earth rotation are called:
A.   Stationary satellites
B.   Geo satellites
C.   Earth-space satellites
D.   Geo-stationary satellites
15. Radar transmits short pulses of high frequency, which are called:
A.   Radio waves
B.   Infrared waves
C.   Ultraviolet waves
D.   Sound waves
16. The penetration of x-rays through an object depends upon the object’s:
A.   Shape
B.   Density
C.   Pressure
D.   Size
17. To find the hidden secrets under the water, the ships and submarines use the:
A.   Sonar system
B.   Radiation system
C.   X-ray system
18. Recording of brain waves from outer surfaces of head is called:

A.   MRI
B.   E.C.G
C.   E.E.G
D.   C.T. scan
19. Steel is more elastic than rubber because:
A.   It is a metal
B.   Its density is high
C.   Ratio of stress to strain is more
D.   Ratio of stress to strain is less
20. What does make the blood look red?
A.   Plasma
B.   Hemoglobin
C.   Red corpuscles
D.   Certain secretions

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